Asset Creation features

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Procedural Objects includes features for the Asset creation process :

Making an asset require a texture

Assets can get the ability to require a texture selection when converted to PO. You just need to write PROCEDURALOBJ BASIC somewhere in the asset description.

Asset Creator helper

The Asset Creator helper window.

The Asset Creator helper allows to group vertices under one single icon. This may improve the clarity of the mesh in Customization Tool. It works only with props and buildings, as these are the only two types of objects that can be created.

  1. Click the Procedural Object Helper button to open the helper
  2. Create a Dependency group
  3. Select the root of the group - the vertex that will control the whole group
  4. Select the other vertices that you want to add to the dependency group
  5. Confirm the group creation

You can repeat this process and create as many groups as you like. Groups can be edited after their creation, by clicking on their name in the helper window. Once this is done, click Save Data in Asset. Close the window, and do not open it after saving the data.

Having a PO export that substitutes the conversion to PO

You can tweak any kind of exported PO(s) to be marked as "substitutes for conversion". This means that when a chosen asset is converted, the normal conversion is diverted to plop the chosen PO export instead. It may be useful if you want to have baked-in custom texts, modules, or any other POs attached in a selection instead of a single PO. Note that those PO exports will be hidden and therefore won't show up in the main list. In order to achieve this :

  • Create your asset and save.
  • First upload to the workshop (make the item temporarily private if you prefer) and subscribe to the item.
  • Create your custom PO using the asset, then export. Note that you can include any number of POs in the export, even custom external ones. It will work as long as the other assets are listed as requirements.
  • Open the resulting .pobj export file found in C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Colossal Order\Cities_Skylines\ProceduralObjects\ExportedObjects
  • Add a line at the very top of the file as such : SubstituteForConversionOf = 1234567890.AssetName_Data with the exact name of your asset in this format. If you're not sure, scroll the export file and look for the lines "name = ...". Save the file.
  • You can now refresh the exported objects list to try.
  • This file can be uploaded alongside the asset by updating the workshop item.

As this procedure could be applied to any asset you can also theoretically create substitutes for assets that are not yours and upload those substitutes on the workshop, even though that seems pointless.