Sharing Textures

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You can share textures alongside any kind of content on the workshop (for instance you can can share textures and a mod in the same workshop item, or textures+save or texture+LUT, etc) or you can even share only textures.

  • Prepare a usual workshop upload (click "Share" on an item in the Content Manager)
  • Open the upload folder by clicking on the folder icon in the bottom-right corner of the preview image.
  • Go to the Content folder.
  • Put all the .PNG textures you want to share directly in this folder.
  • Create a file named ProceduralObjectsTextures.cfg and open/edit it.
  • Write the name of your package like such : name = <the name of your package> It will appear in the mod window.
  • Write the file name of each texture on a separate line without the .png extension. For example, if you have 3 textures named texture1.png, texture2.png and texture3.png your file should look like this :
name = Awesome texture package
  • Be careful not to change the texture names ! Otherwise the mod won't be able to select them properly.
  • Save the config file and close the Content folder.
  • Continue your upload as usual.

Any Procedural Objects user subscribed to such a workshop item will see those textures appear in their texture selection without further configuration.