Texture Management

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The Texture Management window (version 1.7)

Some objects can handle custom textures. They can be found and managed in the Texture Management window which contains :

  • Local Textures options : click Open Textures folder and put your textures in the folder (PNG format only). Hit Refresh to reload the textures.
  • Workshop textures packages (which actually include the local package mentioned above) show the Texture packs that you are subscribed to on the workshop.
  • the total number of textures loaded
  • Prepare a unique Texture Pack for the save and convert local textures in use to workshop-ready : creates a texture pack with all local textures currently used on the map ready to be released with a save on the workshop. It also switches the textures in use from locally loaded to workshop loaded.

See also : Creating an object for applying textures on objects.