Update 1.7.5 issues

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This page will help you get through the issues caused by the 1.7.5 update. This only matters for people who have launched and used the game between March 11th and March 14th, 2022, and have used the version 1.7.5 that was released on March 11th. The workshop item was reverted to the previous v1.7.4 version in order to prevent further damage, and it has caused even more trouble to people who have used the game with v1.7.4 after using 1.7.5.

The new 1.7.6 update was released on March 14th and fixes all the newly encountered issues (see changelog). This version can load any save game, regardless of the versions you previously used.

Case 1 : Game was not saved between March 11-14[edit | edit source]

⇒ no problem whatsoever. Just load your game with the latest PO version.

Case 2 : Game was saved. Progress was made but all POs are lost[edit | edit source]

You have a backup from before the error (March 11th)

You can just load this save with the latest PO version. If you want to import your PO work from your backup into your PO-broken file :
Load the save with all your POs. Select all the objects in Selection mode, then click "Export", then "as Fixed Export". Reload the game on the latest PO-broken save. Open the Exported Objects window and import the file.

You have no backup where POs work fine

In this case, unfortunately your PO work is lost.

See also[edit | edit source]

Message from author on the Steam workshop, March 14, 2022, 01:17am CET
Hey guys,

Just to make things clear I understand all of your frustration. Mine is already immense and I can barely consider multiplying it by the amount of time each of you have spent, let alone multiplying it by the number of people who got affected.

If you had a working save game with v1.7.5 in the short span of time it was online, then got everything screwed up when it reverted back to 1.7.4, keep such 1.7.5-working save files aside. You may be able to recover them back to baseline. I will post a message in the following hours/days.

Reverting to the previous update has put your current works at stake - demolished them completely in the case of those who did not make backups, but waiting even more would have meant risking the save games of more people. At least those who did not launch the game in this span of time did not lose anything.

I had tried my best to improve PO with the 1.7.5 update that has been in beta for a few months. This issue slipped through, the very few people that got to test the latest beta had no problems, including me. That's why I encourage more people to join the beta.

In fact if you guys don't know that yet I'm still just a random music student doing this on the evenings. As much as I would like to pursue this in a professional manner, I do not have professional qualification and this is not my full-time job at all. So any kind of support, whether it be programming help, coming up with POv2 - who knows, beta test, support, donations, suggestions and feedback ; any kind of support is much appreciated.

I apologize once again for the inconvenience, and thank you for your comprehension.