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This page lists all past versions of Procedural Objects and the changes that came with them.
- Note : See also: Planned updates
June 16th, 2022 - last stable release, last source code update
- Loading Popup displays POs that failed to load
- Gives the choice to either keep the failed POs in the save file or to discard them
- Minor usability enhancements:
- Mouse movement values (distance, angle, scale with 3D axis) are displayed on click
- Undo/redo system (Ctrl+Z) works in Distort tool
- Use Alt with 3D axis gizmos of General Tool for slow mouse movements
- Fixes & tweaks:
- Fixed PageUp/PageDown in Move To Tool
- Fixed Position/Rotation inputs in General Tool
- Fixed ULOD compatibility with decals fade-out distance (reported by ACanadianMoose)
Beta releases :
- beta 1 : May 23, 2022
- beta 2 : June 5, 2022
May 7th, 2022
- New Selection mode tools in the "More..." dropdown menu:
- Distort : distort PO(s) by grabbing and moving 8 individual corners around the selection (demo on twitter) Also allows grouped scaling using PageUp/PageDown
- Project : project 3D model of PO(s) onto terrain, buildings, networks, or other POs. (demo on twitter)
- Recenter Object origin : does the same as the Customization Tool option but to selections of POs
- Select Texture : select a texture to apply to the selection of objects
- New options in Advanced Edition tools (suggested by Deeheks)
- "Cast shadows" toggle
- "Reset 3D model" button to revert the vertex positions to the original
- New Customization Tool actions (suggested by Z-Green Gaming) :
- Invert Selection : select all vertices except those currently selected
- Split vertices : split each selected vertex into as many as they are connected to faces
- Modules API :
- New implementable method bool RenderParentThisFrame(), runs in Update() as a condition for rendering the PO. If any module returns 'false' then rendering is skipped for the current frame.
- New implementable method void OnGUI(), runs in OnGUI() in parallel to DrawCustomizationWindow() when the module window is open.
- Fixes and tweaks:
- General Tool mode (position, scale, rotation) is now selected through 3 buttons (one each) instead of cycling through modes with only one button
- Fixed heavy lag when doing big selections of vertices in Customization Tool (reported by NeguchiMaroyama, citywokcitywall)
- If selected in Selection mode, a POs' icon is displayed regardless of the filters or render distance (suggested by leaderofthemonkeys)
- Position, Rotation and Scale are now independent buttons in General Tool
- Render distance can be set to infinite (suggested by Deeheks)
- Fixed Draw tool : not working for 16m grass circle (reported by SakuraNation) ; not splitting vertices correctly when using after reload of a PO that had merged vertices (reported by Akruas)
- Fixed texture selector not applying text parameters when resetting to the original texture
- Fixed keyboard shortcuts being useable when showing a "yes/no" dialog
- Using Mirror functions now triggers Normals recalculation by default (suggested by Deeheks)
- Fixed Snap vertices tools for Ploppable asphalt (reported by Pewex)
Beta releases :
- beta 1 : April 21, 2022
March 14th, 2022
- Hotfixes for major issues :
- Reverted v1.7.5 changes on saving process. All save files should be safe regardless of the versions used.
- Fixed PloppableAsphalt file reading problem
- Text Customization improvements :
- Text fields and Color rectangles are now placed by clicking directly on the texture visualizer
- Zoom in/out using Ctrl+Scrollwheel
- Separator between Text fields list/and Text field editor now moveable
- Key Bindings configuration now in the settings panel
- New key bindings for selection mode actions (align heights, etc.)
Beta releases :
- beta 1 : March 14, 2022
- v1.7.4 was temporarily reverted on March 14 before update 1.7.6 so as to prevent further damage
March 11th, 2022
- New Measurements window
- Ability to measure distances or angles between objects' center points or vertices.
- New Draw Mouse tool in Customization Tool for all Ploppable Surfaces circles
- Replace by Copy tool in the "More" dropdown menu now works with selections and groups.
- Ability to manipulate PO exports so that they are used upon PO conversion of a given prop/building instead of a normal conversion of the asset in hand.
- Open the resulting .pobj export file, add a line at the very top : SubstituteForConversionOf = XXXXXXXXXX.AssetName_Data (fill in the ingame name of the asset that should load this export upon conversion)
- Such "substitutes for PO conversion" will not appear in the Exported Objects list
- Efficiency improvements :
- Mesh data compression (lighter saves, attempt at preventing the reach of the serialization limit)
- Preliminary background work for future General Tool/Selection mode merge - no more recalculation of the vertices each time you enter Edit mode
- PloppableAsphalt.xml is not read through each time a PA is converted to PO anymore
- Text Customization improvements :
- Color rectangles can now have borders (customizable width and color)
- Text fields can now be copied and pasted between objects (button next to text field input/Color rectangle to copy ; button at the very top next to "Text fields" list to paste)
- Fixes & tweaks :
- Groups are now saved through PO exports
- Layers window is now expandable
- The picker filter now supports multiple objects at once
- Maximum render distance is now 24 km
- When exporting selections of POs an HTML file with the required assets for the export is created
- New Arabic-specific feature for font creation (suggested by somemone123)
- Fixed Esc bug that prevents the pause menu of the game from closing
- Fixed Esc bug when converting a PO with the Shift+P shortcut
- Corrected Ploppable surfaces vertices position (the coefficient was not precise enough)
- Modding API : new field _squareDistToCam that retrieves the square distance between the object and the camera at each frame (not updated if _insideUIView is false).
- German translation update by Chamëleon TBN
Beta releases :
- beta 1 : January 22, 2022
- beta 2 : January 26, 2022
- beta 3 : February 3, 2022
- beta 4 : March 1st, 2022
- ⇒ see also: Update 1.7.5 issues
October 22nd, 2021
- Mod made compatible with other platforms than Steam (Epic Games, GOG...)
- Sub-buildings can be converted in PO
- PO sub-buildings are automatically grouped with the main building
- Sub-buildings conversion can be disabled in the settings panel
- Edit mode improvements :
- Ability for all POs to select texture after placement in General Tool
- All axis available in Customization Tool for vertices movements with the mouse in position and rotation modes
- New Gizmo Opacity setting in the settings panel
- New "Randomize Rotation" tool in the "More" dropdown menu in selection mode
- Fixes and tweaks :
- Text fields positions are not set from their top left corner anymore when grabbed with the mouse
- Vertex rotation in Customization Tool automatically sets Normals recalculation to Default if it is set to None (suggested by Deeheks)
- Characters in the Characters table window are now buttons that can add characters to the current text field
- Increased maximum render distance for the + signs
- Statistics now display loading time
- Changed the color displayed when hovering over a PO + icon (red for groups and purple for single PO) so as to have common colors with Move It
- Texture pack issue preventing textures to be in subfolders fixed
- Issue when pressing Delete in Move To Tool fixed (reported by leaderofthemonkeys)
- Modules API :
- New implementable methods OnParentPositionSet(), OnParentRotationSet(), OnModuleWindowOpen() and OnModuleWindowClose() for classes inherited from POModule
- New keepOpenWhenLeaveObj field for POModuleType allowing their window to remain open when leaving edit mode
- Japanese translation by SHG166
Beta releases :
- beta 1 : October 16, 2021
September 27th, 2021
- Huge improvement of loading time thanks to krzychu124
- Fixes and tweaks :
- Groups issue fix with 'Replace by copy' action
- Groups issue fix on saves that loaded with no PO
- Dutch (Nederlands) translation by Murie
March 14th, 2021
- Selection mode improvements :
- UI revamp and optimization
- New selection filters :
- Props, Surfaces, Decals, Buildings, PO Groups
- New picker icon and filter
- More features grouped under a new "More..." dropdown menu in selection mode for selections of objects :
- Align heights
- Align rotations
- Align between two objects
- Equal slope (oriented or not) (suggested by Krimssone)
- Snap to ground
- Set render distances
- Replace by copy (former Paste Into option, which has been removed)
- Color gradient
- + selection symbols hidden when below the dropdown menus of selection mode
- New "Align Vertices" action in Customization Tool
- Usability enhancements :
- Exported Objects system improvements (suggested by citywokcitywall) :
- Reload time optimization
- New 'Fixed' type of export for static imports across saves
- Fixes and tweaks :
- General Tool buttons (Local/world space, Move to...) out of the way of the axis gizmos
- More increments for the Global multiplier render option (suggested by citywokcitywall)
- Axis gizmos clickable through UI elements fixed (suggested by Krimssone)
- + selection symbols render now limited to ~1200 meters to improve performance
- Lag when selecting lots of POs at a time optimization
- Faster render distance checking (FPS improvements expected)
- Faster position calculation for PO selections in Move To Tool
- Added a slider and a "set to max" button in color rectangles interface for Width and Height in Text Customization
- Fonts sorted alphabetically
- Fixed potential memory leaks with the UI painter
- Localizations improvements :
- Ability to create Localization extensions to translate modules
- Localizations can be marked as "wiki completed" to link directly to the translated wiki pages instead of English
Beta releases :
- beta 1 : February 22, 2021
- beta 2 : March 9, 2021
February 3rd, 2021
- New Line Copy tool with General Tool gizmos.
- When using the position gizmo, hold Ctrl to enable copy, select the spacing, then press Shift to use the Line copy tool. Use arrow keys and PageUp/PageDown to change rotation. Release the click to confirm placement.
- New Render Options window
- New customizable Dynamic render distance calculation, based on the object size, enabled by default, but not all past render distances are recalculated upon update
- Ability to lock render distance on an object to prevent unwanted recalculation
- Global render distance multiplier that applies to all objects without actually changing their render dist. values.
- Text Customization improvements :
- Larger texture, ability to resize the window
- Better text fields interface
- Scrollable font selector (suggested by Pewex)
- Fixed memory leaks causing excessive RAM usage
- Fixes :
- Optimized vertex loading time (long wait time when "Edit" is pressed)
- Keyboard movements now respect the set Local/World space setting
- Ploppable Surfaces mouse overlay and bounds fix
- Position/Rotation input fields fix
- Group copy not keeping groupings fixed
- Group delete not deleting objects properly fixed
- Deleting the root object of a group not resetting a new root fixed
Beta releases :
- beta 1 : January 29, 2021
January 19th, 2021 - last major release
- New PO Modules system, allowing to create Custom Modules and extend the objects features.
- New Modules Management window, new "Modules" tab in Edit mode
- Added implementation capabilities for modules creation
- PO Groups
- Rendering improvements & Thumbnail/High-res screenshot issue fix thanks to @krzychu124
- New Customization Tool actions : Conform to Terrain and Conform to Terrain, Networks and buildings
- Position input fields moved from Advanced Edition tools to General Tool, new Rotation input field.
- Fixes and tweaks :
- Thumbnail/High-res screenshot issue fix
- "Paste into Selection" turned into an option, disabled by default
- Fixed Move To Tool click problem.
- More precise controls in Text Customization with fields instead of sliders
Beta releases :
- beta 1 : January 12, 2021
May 19th, 2020
- Controls improvements :
- Distance, Stretch factor and Angle keyboard typing
- in General Tool when clicking any gizmo, type in the value and press Enter.
- in Customization Tool when moving, rotating or scaling vertices.
- Units can be changed in the Settings panel (default: meters and degrees. Available units: Meters, Feet, Yards/Degrees, Radians.)
- Snap to the previous gizmo movement distance when holding Ctrl to copy in General Tool (suggested by Intense)
- Distance, Stretch factor and Angle keyboard typing
- UI revamp :
- New Day/Night mode for UI (day by default - the UI appears brighter and clearer)
- Controls can be expanded/collapsed in Edit mode
- General Tool UI revamp
- Customization Tool UI revamp :
- Right-click menu moved to the main window
- More Global and Selection Actions (recenter model origin, merge vertices, snap selection/each vertex to ground...)
- New cursors styles.
- Text Customization and font making enhancements :
- New Font Management window, with the ability to refresh a font inside the game and to store fonts locally.
- Ability to lock text fields like color rectangles
- Texture Management now includes the ability to group the local textures used on the map into a common folder, to make them ready for upload.
- Chinese translation by SteinsGateSG, Korean translation completion by TwotoolusFLY
- Fixes and tweaks :
- PO square Texture UV fix
- All local PO files centralized to a new folder : C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Colossal Order\Cities_Skylines\ProceduralObjects
- Edit mode opens on General Tool instead of Customization Tool (suggested by Geze)
- Move To Tool rotation works with world space, not local.
- Holding H in the Move To Tool doesn't use terrain ray cast but planar ray cast instead.
- Fixed Asset recognition for texture selection
- Layers window eye icon colorized for better workflow.
- Advanced Edition tools available in both Customization and General Tools
- Lowered default render distance for prop-converted and building-converted objects to 1.4 km and 2.0 km respectively.
Beta releases :
- beta 1 : April 18, 2020
- beta 2 : April 23, 2020
- beta 3 : May 6, 2020
April 14th, 2020
- Selection mode improvements :
- UI clean-up
- Textures-related content moved to an independent window
- Added Statistics window
- PO now available in the map editor
- Use Ctrl while moving an object with the General Tool position gizmo to duplicate an object
- Customization Tool improvements :
- New snap to axis feature for mouse movements
- New "Snap Each to Ground" feature for selections of vertices
- New vertex icon look
- Text Customization improvements (suggestions by Elektrix and Pewex) :
- Color selection uses painter, not RGB sliders
- New position coordinates input for fields
- Texture system improvements :
- Textures sorted by Folder or Workshop package
- Fixed texture saving
- Fixes and tweaks :
- Ability to sort layers (suggested by leaderofthemonkeys)
- Unmodified converted props use default mesh, saving on RAM, saving time and save size.
- Move It! fixes thanks to Quboid, including a saving issue causing objects to show black after reload
- Layer affectation not copied fixed
- 'Paste Into Selection' feature doesn't show up when hovering an object any more
- Fonts characters size can be set between 5 and 150, default remains 50
Beta releases :
- beta 1 : March 24, 2020
- beta 2 : March 31, 2020
November 28th, 2019
- Painter for POs, option to enable color variation in the settings panel.
- Huge copy/paste speed increase thanks to Quboid and Leeijo.
- Controls improvements :
- New Rotation and Scale gizmos in the General Tool
- Gizmos visible through ground and objects
- Local space/World space gizmo settings (absolute/relative rotation)
- Keyboard movement speed fine tuning.
- Fix of the Position gizmo accuracy
- Ploppable surfaces mouse customization fix
- New Advanced Edition tools features :
- Reset Orientation
- Flip faces : whether or not to flip faces direction (for use with Mirror functions)
- Normals recalculation : see the Advanced Edition tools page
- Move To Tool improvements:
- Hold S (by default) to enable PO Snapping (equivalent of Prop Snapping for POs)
- Controls detailed in the window
- Confirming placement returns to the previous tool, not always to selection mode.
- Ability to paste objects into others - basically replace selection of objects with the clipboard
- Option to automatically resize converted decals' collision box (configurable in the settings panel)
- Hiding layers also hides the corresponding PO icon (configurable in the settings panel)
- Fixes and tweaks :
- Fix for Black spots on objects (see the new Normals recalculation option in the Advanced Edition tools)
- Update informant issue
- Layer window opens up under the main window
- Saved Objects renamed Exported Objects
- Exported Objects don't reload each time the window is opened anymore
- Exporting objects doesn't round up rotations and positions anymore
- Help buttons
Beta releases :
- beta 1 : November 22, 2019
November 28th, 2019 - minor fix patch
- Fixes :
- Ploppable asphalts props converted prior to 1.6.1 were set to white
- Normals recalculation error upon copy
Special thanks to Pewex for reporting.
October 2nd, 2019
- Added Undo (Ctrl+Z) and Redo (Ctrl+Y) in Edit mode
- Added the Advanced Edition tools :
- Coordinates fields for Position
- Snap to Ground, Store height manually
- Mirror mesh
- Stretch mesh
- Texture tiling factor
- Text Customization improvements :
- Ability to sort fields (move up/down as layers)
- Rotation of text fields
- Ability to create plain color rectangles
- Added Customization Tool modes : vertices can be rotated, scaled or flattened (right click to open the dropdown menu)
- Added "Confirm Delete" popup (configurable in the settings panel)
- Added "Not PO compatible" popup
- Adaptive Gizmo size based on distance from the object (configurable in the settings panel)
- Improved Font creation :
- Added an automated Kerning data generator for font developers in the Character table
- Added ability to rename styles
- Added Move It compatibility code
- Fixes and Optimization :
- Slight code optimization of Copy/Paste
- Fixed and Optimized UI Rendering
- Fixed the "out of view" issue
- Fixed SpeedSlider compatibility affecting delays and clocks inside the mod
- Added cursors style, effects and UI sound
- Revamped the settings panel UI :
- The mod language can be independently chosen from the game's language
- Added the "Show Developers tools" option (enables Asset editor tools and Kerning generator)
- Translated the settings
- Added Korean (by Kubo2220) and German (by slothu) translations
- Recreated the wiki, now opens in the Steam overlay
Beta releases :
- beta 1
- beta 2 : April 21st, 2019
- beta 3 : April 25, 2019
- beta 4 : August 18, 2019
September 22nd, 2018
- Added "Align Heights" to the dropdown menu in selection mode
- Rotation on 3 axis available with the Move To Tool with the arrow keys
August 30th, 2018
- Added the Layers system
- Attempt to fix the Detail nature mod bug
- Ability to move entire selections with the Move To Tool
- Using the Move To Tool doesn't make you enter Edit mode anymore
- Changed the order of edition buttons for better workflow
July 12th, 2018
- Added the Characters Table in the Text Customization
- Added Russian translation
May 20th, 2018
- Fonts support custom Unicode characters
- Bug fix : objects that previously had text no longer disappear (if the save hasn't been overwritten)
- A single Right Click will rotate objects by 45° increments in the Move To Tool
May 19th, 2018
- Added marquee selection for multiple POs in selection mode
- Fixed the text color saving bug
- Fixed the zoom in/out bug
- Increased the max text length from 100 to 150
May 6th, 2018
- Added Text Customization
- Ability to add text on any procedural object, including accents, diacritics and symbols
- Fine text field settings : font, size, spacing, color, X and Y stretch scale, bold/italic/normal style
- In-game application of text with direct 3D and texture preview
- Ability to create custom fonts and share them on the workshop
- Added the "Texture UV mode" for objects for objects that handle UV recalculation (cube and square only)
- Stretch mode : no UV recalculation, the texture will stretch as for any object
- Repeat mode : size-based UV recalculation, the texture will repeat itself on the model
- Objects that previously required a custom texture can now take their original texture
- Vertex selection points hidden when moving them
- Reduced brightness of the mouse hover selection highlighting
- "Vertex Customization" tool name changed to "Customization Tool"
- Bug fixes :
- Mouse scrolling zoom through menu selections
- Shift-Scale issue
May 1st, 2018
- Fixed the "Too long array" issue
- Fixed texture stretching, now they tile correctly
- Prepared Font stuff for future updates
April 28th, 2018
- Exported Objects system improvements :
- Selections of objects can now be exported with the "Export Selection" button, and can be reused anywhere, including in other saves or shared
- Saved Procedural objects/selections can be renamed
- Added Spanish translation
- External textures names fixed
April 26th, 2018
- Selection mode improved : the objects are now highlighted when hovering the object button
- Vertices can now me moved with the Left Mouse button
- Added "Show : Always/Day time only/Night time only" parameter in the General Tool
- Ploppable Asphalt converted to Procedural Objects now have the proper color set in the mod settings
- Fixed Ploppable Grass and Cliff vertices positions
April 26th, 2018 - minor fix patch
- Fixed the Square issue reported by Skibitth
April 22nd, 2018
- Default render distance values can now be changed from the settings panel
- Maximum render distance increased to 16,000
- Fully finished the controls infos
- Bug fixes, translation fixes
April 19th, 2018
- Major issue fix : now compatible again with Dynamic Resolution
April 19th, 2018 - minor fix patch
- Fully fixed all subsequent issues
April 18th, 2018
- Group selection : Copy or Delete entire selections of objects in selection mode
- Added French Translation
- Rendering system entirely remade
- Modified object selection system
April 18th, 2018 - minor fix patch
- Attempt to a major issue fix
March 25th, 2018
- Major issue 2018A3 reported by Sparks44 fix attempt.
March 23rd, 2018
- Exported Objects : Save Procedural Objects to externals save files to reuse them or share them later
- Changed the Main Mod Button to a more fancy and moveable one
- Rotate objects by dragging the Right Mouse Button using the Move To Tool
- Added a Total Procedural objects counter in selection mode
December 2nd, 2017
- All Key Bindings can now be configured. Open the mod window and click the "Open Key Bindings config file" button to open the config file.
- Code improvements
February 8th, 2018 - minor fix patch
- Linux issue 2018A1 fixed
March 2nd, 2018 - minor patch
- The texture selection list is cleaner and sorted alphabetically
- When copying an object, its height is stored and when it's pasted, hold the Right Mouse Button to snap it to the stored height. (changed to the H key since then)
November 3rd, 2017
- Texture packs are now possible - shareable through the workshop including with save files
- Fixed the 'click through' issue with the 'Move To' and 'Delete' buttons
- Enhanced the Tab shortcut
- Changed default render distance from 1,500 to 850
- Bug fixes
November 3rd, 2017 - minor patch
- Texture packs can take names
- Minor GUI improvements
October 21st, 2017
- Tiled textures on native objects (square and cube)
- Green 'Main' button moved to the mod window
- All props/buildings can now be procedural
- Conversion of objects is now made by pressing Shift+P while placing a building normally.
- Added Tab shortcut to switch quickly between Main tool and Vertices edition
- Drag region selection available in-game with the RMB
- The Move To Tool is now based on the mouse cursor position
- Bug fixes
- Changed the 'Hide all UI' shortcut from Ctrl+Alt+P to Ctrl+P+O
- Added the Update Informant
October 28th, 2017 - minor fix patch
- Tiny modification in the code to try to fix an orphan issue
October 29th, 2017 - minor fix patch
- Fixed a major issue
August 9th, 2017
- Added Gizmos to the General Tool
- Added Copy/Paste feature, with Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V
- Added mouse-region vertex selection in the Asset editor tool
- Added Keyboard Shortcuts (Delete, Escape)
- Bug fix : Added Ctrl+Alt+P key binding to hide the UI
- Bug fix : Map editor NullReferenceException bug fixed
July 31st, 2017
- Added a "Refresh" button for textures reloading
- The main button is now hidden when in Free camera mode
July 31st, 2017 - first public release
- Added an "Open Texture Folder" button
- Added the Render Distance slider
- Buildings can now be used as Procedural Objects
July 29th, 2017 - private release
- Initial release