Font Management

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    I18n.png  Language En flag.jpg English Fr flag.png Français Es flag.png Español De flag.jpg Deutsch Nl flag.png Nederlands Ru flag.jpg Русский Ko flag.png 한국어 Zh flag.png 简体中文 Ja flag.png 日本語 Th flag.png ภาษาไทย

The Font Management window.

The Font Management window, accessible from selection mode, allows you to see all your installed Procedural Objects fonts and test their rendering.

You can scroll through your installed fonts and select one to show details in the bottom part of the window. To install fonts :

When you select a font :

  • click Refresh to reload the font files (useful when testing a font you are creating). It does not automatically reload all the text fields on objects that use the font : change a setting on such a text field to update it.
  • You can type in text in the text field to have a preview below.

See also