Render Options

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The Render options window.

Render options are accessible from selection mode. They allow the modification of render distance settings for POs.

Render distance calculation[edit | edit source]

There are two modes of render distance calculation :

  • Fixed (legacy):
Uses a fixed distance for POs converted from buildings and from props. The two separate values are configurable.
  • Dynamic (recommended) :
Calculates Render distance based on objects size. Multiplier is used to get the distance, Minimum threshold is the limit minimum render distance, no render distance will be set below this value.
Dynamic calculation details
Calculates the render distance when the object is edited using the formula <math>RD_{(m)} = {M}\times({max}_{1} +{max}_{2}) + {200}</math>
where max1 and max2 are the two biggest components of the object's bounds size (if an object has bounds of size 3 x 5 x 6, max1 = 6 and max2 = 5) ; M is the set multiplier (70 by default)
The render distance is clamped between the set threshold (250m by default) and the maximum render distance (16 km).
This is a plot of the equation where x and y are max1 and max2 and z is the render distance.

Changing render distance calculation settings will not recalculate all objects' render distances unless you click the dedicated button.

Note: if you have created lots of objects on a pre-1.7.1 map (before February 2021), it is recommended that you recalculate all objects distances as this will improve performance.

Global render distance multiplier[edit | edit source]

The global multiplier is applied to all objects. It does not modify the actual render distances values of objects but it is applied in real time to all of them. There is no need to recalculate render distances when this option is changed.