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This article will help you find and fix common issues with Procedural Objects.

See also: FAQ, Known Issues, Contact

Common issues

Big empty splash screen that I can't move

This is a bug that appeared in the next version. It shows up the first time you load the mod.

  • Simply restart your game after having stopped it and this issue will never occur again.
  • If for any reason this issue still appears, try deleting the CACHE_proceduralObjects.update file in the C:\Users\<your username>\AppData\Local\Colossal Order\Cities_Skylines\ directory and then restart the game once, close, and restart. This should fix the issue.
  • This issue will be fixed entirely in the next update, making this procedure obsolete.

Main Mod button invisible

Sometimes the main Procedural Objects button seems gone. In most cases it just has been moved out of screen bounds. Try deleting the ProceduralObjectsSettings.cgs file in the C:\Users\<your username>\AppData\Local\Colossal Order\Cities_Skylines\ directory and then restart the game.

Save game with thousands of POs suddenly can't be saved/loaded

PO saving in base game save file is limited in byte size capacity. Consider the use of Saving Sectors to split your PO data in multiple subfiles that can be loaded or not loaded, which you'll get to choose upon game loading. Refer to the Saving Sectors article to learn more.

Mod won't load - files missing

If you get this error message in your log :

System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.Exception: ProceduralObjects localization exception : No localization was found to load !
at ProceduralObjects.Localization.LocalizationManager.SelectCurrent () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at ProceduralObjects.Localization.LocalizationManager.CreateManager () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at ProceduralObjects.ProceduralObjectsMod.OnSettingsUI (UIHelperBase helper) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.MonoMethod:InternalInvoke (object,object[],System.Exception 
  • MAYBE: Translation files for the mod are missing, which in fact often means all adjacent mod files are missing. In order to fix this issue stop the game, delete the PO workshop folder and its content entirely (delete the 1094334744 folder in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\255710 ) and restart the game. The mod should get redownloaded.
  • MAYBE: You moved the mod to a Local folder. The mod only works when installed in workshop folders. Even if you use the mod with another platform than Steam, you have to (for now) at least leave the adjacent mod files in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\255710 folder (typical path) except the .dll file. Move It might even have trouble detecting PO if the .dll is not moved. Make a copy of the .dll file there as well for good measure in case it's needed.
  • MAYBE: You are using the __noWorshop tag. This may cause issues.

Mod specific issues

Move It doesn't display its PO button

The way Move It detects Procedural Objects and enables its PO-compatibility requires Procedural Objects to be installed in Steam. This may be addressed in the future but it is not something I can or know how to do, it's happening on Move It's side. Just make sure PO is installed in this directory : C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\255710\1094334744\ folder alongside its translation files.

Holographic POs are not loaded

Some POs that use the Additive Shader mod (Holograms, etc) can be tricky to use with PO. The Additive Shader mod could be updated to fix this. Meanwhile you can fix this manually by making sure that PO is loaded after the Additive Shader mod:

  1. Unsubscribe Additive Shader and PO.
  2. Start the game, reload a save game. Stop the game again.
  3. Subscribe to Additive Shader, reload a save game, stop the game.
  4. Subscribe to PO, then reload a save game.

Ploppable Asphalt disappear/Detail mod Issues

All kinds of issues can happen when both Procedural Objects and the Detail mod by Ronyx are installed. In most cases it can't be solved, but sometimes this procedure can fix it : Potential fix:

  • Disable Ploppable Asphalt, Procedural Objects, and Detail in the content manager
  • Unsubscribe from Ploppable Asphalt (and all assets that require it), Procedural Objects, Detail, and Detail Nature
  • Resubscribe to everything you just unsubscribed to except for Detail and Detail Nature. I subscribed to the Ploppable Asphalt collection before I subscribed to PO, but I'm not sure if order matters here.
  • Launch the game, enable Ploppable Asphalt and Procedural Objects, load a save
  • Confirm that all your procedural Ploppable Asphalt objects are working
  • Exit the game, resubscribe to Detail and Detail Nature, enable Detail in the content manager