Sharing Saves

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Game saves that use Procedural Objects can be shared on the workshop like normal game saves. However there are two things to take into consideration before you upload the save.

  1. Make sure that you include the assets used in PO in the requirements. Although edited POs are saved directly in the save file, you need to have the assets installed in order for the corresponding objects to work properly.
  2. Do you use any local texture in the save? If so you have to include them as well. You can prepare the save for upload in the Texture Management window with the dedicated button. It creates a texture pack that you can include in your workshop upload, and it also switches all objects that use local textures to Workshop textures. (Note : That means that if you reload a "prepared" save game before the upload, the textures won't appear as it will try to load a workshop texture, so that's normal) Once that button is clicked a dedicated texture pack folder is created in C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Colossal Order\Cities_Skylines\ProceduralObjects\SavesTexturePacks. Include that folder in the workshop upload of your save file.